Deathblog: Larry Cohen (1936-2019)
I’ve been a fan of Larry Cohen’s work for about as long as I can remember.Ok, perhaps not quite that long, but certainly since I first acquired a DVD player at some point in the early 2000s, and made...
View ArticleExploito All’Italiana: Roma Violenta (Marino Girolami, 1975)
Released in the USA under the name ‘Violent City’ (but definitely not to be confused with the 1970 Sergio Sollima / Charles Bronson joint of the same name), ‘Roma Violenta’ (no translation needed, I’m...
View ArticleBlood Island Journal # 3: Mad Doctor of Blood Island (Gerado de Leon & Eddie...
Back on Blood Island a year or so after all that business with the sludge monster and the sacrificial virgins, and things actually seem to have changed quite a bit for this non-continuous...
View ArticleNoir Diary # 3: He Ran All The Way (John Berry, 1951)
Within the grand index of blunt-poetic film noir / pulp fiction titles, I think “HE RAN ALL THE WAY” ranks as a pretty good one. Perhaps not quite up there with the abstract magnificence of ‘Blast of...
View ArticleBloody NEL: Lord of the Spiders by Michael Moorcock (1975)
Once again, I’m going to be out of the country for a few weeks, so whilst I’m gallivanting, I’ll leave you in the company of some recent additions to my paperback mountain, beginning with a few from...
View ArticleBloody NEL: Croc by David James (1977)
Chapter FourteenOfficer Glenn Stapleton entered the precinct arrest and booking room with a black rubber boot filled with a badly mangled human foot and lower leg wrapped in his jacket. He had been ok...
View ArticleBloody NEL: House of Bondage by Alfred Bercovici (1979)
As I'm sure any collector of pulp paperbacks would, I instantly grabbed this one when I saw it rise to the top of the £1 bin at a charity book fair recently, and didn’t really give it a second thought...
View ArticleBloody NEL: Dracula’s Brother by Robert Lory (1973)
Until I picked this up somewhere the other day, I’d never heard of this series of Robert Lory 'Dracula' books. (This is the third in a series of five, following on from ‘Dracula Returns’ and ‘The...
View ArticleJust a Quick Note... let you know that I had been planning to share a few more paperback scans with you over the next few weeks, to cover the time I'll be out of the country. Unfortunately however, a few days before...
View ArticleNew Movies Reviews!
As in, a few short-as-possible takes on recently released movies – because, uncharacteristically, I seem to have watched quite a few of them recently.One Cut of the Dead(Shin'ichirô Ueda, 2017)If...
View ArticleNoir Diary # 4: Kiss of Death (Henry Hathaway, 1947)
Maybe it’s just me, but ‘Kiss of Death’ strikes me as an overly dramatic title for this meat n’ potatoes crime/gangster melodrama, made for Fox by western specialist Henry Hathaway.True, Nick Bianco...
View ArticleBlood Island Journal # 4: The Blood Drinkers (Gerardo de Leon, 1964)
Previously in this hastily scribbled and mysteriously stained journal, we’ve raised the question of what exactly happened vis-a-vis the career of Filipino horror auteur Gerard de Leon in the interim...
View ArticlePulp Non-Fiction: The Family: The Story of Charles Manson’s Dune Buggy Attack...
I.“Tex then told Sadie to scout the house for other people. She evidently climbed up the redwood ladder to look in the loft. And then she walked to the south, toward the hallway off which were the two...
View ArticleCreepy-Crawl Cinema: The Female Bunch (Al Adamson, 1969)
Of all the material I’ve read (and listened to) over the years concerning The Manson Family, no chroniclers seem to have made mention of the fact that infamous b-movie director Al Adamson was actually...
View ArticleDeathblog: Rutger Hauer (1944 – 2019)
Like most people who like films, I was saddened yesterday to hear of the death of Rutger Hauer. Seventy five seems far too young for an actor who I’m sure could have rocked his way through old age with...
View ArticleNoir Diary # 5 / Thoughts on... Double Indemnity (Billy Wilder, 1944)
Given its status as both a cornerstone of golden age Hollywood artistry and as arguably the key exemplar of the Film Noir aesthetic, I’m going to assume that most readers here will be familiar with...
View ArticleKrimi Casebook: Der Hexer (Alfred Vohrer, 1964)
It’s been a long time since I’ve had a chance to settle down with a ‘Krimi’, but earlier this month I was suddenly struck with an urge to check in on Rialto Films long-running series of ‘60s West...
View ArticleDeathblog: Peter Fonda (1940 – 2019)
As you might imagine, I was very sad to hear of the death of Peter Fonda this weekend.Whilst many of the mainstream obits will likely begin and end with ‘Easy Rider’, those of us with a more, uh,...
View ArticleCreepy-Crawl Cinema: One Upon a Time in… Hollywood (Quentin Tarantino, 2019)
1969 feels pretty impossible to escape at the moment. All these 50th anniversaries coming thick and fast – moon landing, Manson murders, Woodstock, Brian Jones, Altamont – and now,...
View ArticleNoir Diary # 6: Private Hell 36 (Don Siegel, 1954)
Produced and distributed by ‘The Filmakers’ (the pioneering non-studio outfit founded in 1950 by Ida Lupino and her soon-to-be-ex husband Collier Young), ‘Private Hell 36’ is a low budget crime picture...
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