Intermission: HALLOWEEN HORROR-ROCK SPECIAL: Born Too Late Radio Show # 4.
Well, it had to happen. How could it not?As you’ll be aware if you’ve been reading this weblog for a while, I used to make a downloadable Halloween mix CD every October, and posted it both here and on...
View ArticleOctober Horrors # 12 / Thoughts on… Mandy (Panos Cosmatos, 2018)
1. “Where the mystic swims, the psychotic drowns,” attentive listeners may hear Nicholas Cage growl during his climactic show-down with Linus Roache’s narcissistic, Mansonite cult leader towards the...
View ArticleOctober Horrors # 13: The Devil Within Her (Peter Sasdy, 1975)
AKA ‘I Don’t Want To Be Born’, AKA ‘Sharon’s Baby’.There is a lot to like about Peter Sasdy’s ‘I Don’t Want To Be Born’ / ‘The Devil Inside Her’ (I’m not sure which of those titles to go with really,...
View ArticleOctober Horrors # 14: The Monster Club (Roy Ward Baker, 1981)
Yet another British horror film that I’ve put off watching for a long, long time, ‘The Monster Club’ sounds on paper like a uniquely unappealing prospect.The very last gasp of Milton Subotsky’s Amicus...
View ArticleBelated Happy Halloween Everybody.
Well, phew – that was a lot of fun. My productivity both in work and day-to-day life may have suffered, but knocking out over 28,000 words of horror movie reviewin’ in the space of a month proved very...
View ArticleFurther thoughts on… Train to Busan & Seoul Station (Sang-ho Yeon, 2016)
For a film that initially seems such an exercise in conceptual simplicity, there certainly seems to be a lot to say about Sang-ho Yeon’s South Korean zombie hit ‘Train to Busan’.My initial review of...
View ArticleDeathblog: Nicolas Roeg (1928-2018)
At the present moment, I’m not sure have a lot to say about Nicolas Roeg that can’t be easily gleaned from the numerous, no doubt heart-felt, obits that are circulating online and in print, but...
View ArticleAh, The Internet.
I’m sorry folks – just a quick “house-keeping” post to formally apologise to any readers of this blog who have been kind enough to post comments on this blog over the past couple of years and have not...
View Article2018: BEST READS. (Part # 1)
Unlike ‘films watched’ (or ‘records purchased’), I’ve never got into the habit of keeping a list of the books I read. Instead, I just tend to pick one that takes my fancy off the pile, read it, stick...
View Article2018: BEST READS. (Part # 2)
The Virgin of the Seven Daggers: Excursions into Fantasy by Vernon Lee(Penguin Red Classics, 2008 / collection originally compiled in 1962)I think this was from the remaindered bookshop in East...
View Article2018: BEST FIRST TIME VIEWINGS. (Part # 1)
I managed to watch a lot of movies in 2018. This makes me happy. As is now traditional, brief(?) write-ups on some of the best ones I watched for the first time follow. It’s quite a long list this...
View Article2018: BEST FIRST TIME VIEWINGS (Part # 2)
My apologies for the delay in getting this finished off. Did posting the top 15 first and then waiting two weeks make for a bit of an anti-climax? Well, c’mon, the numbers don’t really mean anything....
View ArticleDeathblog: Dick Miller (1928-2019)
Very sad news today, as I learned (via Tim Lucas’s blog) that the great Dick Miller has passed away, mere weeks after celebrating his 90th birthday.In keeping with the majority of Miller’s screen...
View ArticleMiller Time.
Continuing our tribute to the late Dick Miller, here is a quick run-down of the first five of his trademark one-scene-wonder cameo appearances that spring to my mind this week, in no particular...
View ArticleTen Years.
That’s a ‘Double Bowie’ on the street, I believe? If not, it should be.No big celebrations or anything, but just a quiet little meta-post to commemorate the fact that I made the first post on this...
View ArticleNoir Diary #1: Witness to Murder (Roy Rowland, 1954)
It’s funny how these things happen in Hollywood sometimes, isn’t it? ‘Witness to Murder’, in which Barbara Stanwyck looks out of her window one night and sees her neighbour in the opposite apartment...
View ArticleRecent Horror Viewing # 1: The Hunger (Tony Scott, 1983)
For no particular reason, I began 2019 by revisiting two arty, New York-set vampire films, both of which faced accusations of insufferable pretention upon their initial release.Abel Ferrara’s ‘The...
View ArticleBlood Island Journal # 1: Terror is a Man (Gerardo de Leon & Eddie Romero, 1959)
One of the ideas that has long been on my list of “things to do” on this blog is to start a series writing about what I tend to mentally categorise as “East Meets West” genre cinema. By this, I mean...
View ArticleNoir Diary # 2: Dark Passage (Delmer Davies, 1947)
Ah, Bogart and Bacall. Need I say more? ‘To Have and Have Not’. ‘Key Largo’. ‘The Big Sleep’. ‘Dark Passage’. Wait a minute, what was that last one again…?Yes, no one ever talks about ‘Dark Passage’,...
View ArticleBlood Island Journal # 2: Brides of Blood (Gerardo de Leon & Eddie Romero, 1968)
OBLIGATORY SCREENSHOT DISCLAIMER: As usual, I need to make clear that the screenshots above are sourced from an old DVD edition of this film, and NOT from the recent Severin blu-ray referred to in the...
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