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Hello? Hello…?
Is there anybody out there..?
So, I just thought I’d give a quick heads-up to any long-time readers, old friends or other foolhardy individuals who have seen fit to keep this blog on their feeds / favourites lists through these dark months of silence, letting you know that, after a very stressful year, I’m gradually returning to a more normal pace of life. Which means, amongst other things, that I’ve recently found some time to start writing about movies and books again, and I’ve really been enjoying it too.
In fact, I’m genuinely thrilled that, in a few days, it will be October, bringing with it the annual challenge of trying to watch / read / write about something horror-related every single day leading up to Halloween.
And what’s more, I’m ready for it this time -- I’ve been preparing. After months of neglecting this blog, I now suddenly have multiple posts pretty much ready to go, just waiting to be spread out nicely across the first week or two of the month, whilst I (hopefully) work on stuff to fill the second half.
So confident am I in fact that I’m going to start early; our first Horror Express review will be in-coming tomorrow, and I’ll try to keep things ticking over after few days thereafter.
Dark gods willing, I may even be able to return to an on-going schedule of regular posting thereafter, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. So for now - welcome back, and my humble thanks for sticking around. The Sabbath beckons…